
  • Science-Based Pruning

    There are a wide variety of reasons to prune your trees. Regardless of why you call us, Greenheart Tree Co. will always prioritize pruning that will be healthy for your trees in the long run. A few reasons to prune your trees can include:

    • Training growth habits to maximize structure, health, and future integrity

    • Clearing branches and limbs from buildings, paths, sidewalks, gardens, patios, etc.

    • Removing deadwood and defective branches to make your trees healthier, safer, and more beautiful

    • Reducing risk of failure during storm events by selectively pruning to reduce leverage, torque, windsail, and stress

  • Professional Removal

    As much as we love trees, sometimes they need to come down. We can safely and efficiently remove trees from your yard without causing damage to buildings, gardens, or your landscaping. From the smallest shrubs to the monster trees, we’ll get it done. We’re also equipped to handle the unfortunate storm events. If you need emergency service because a tree fell in a windstorm, give us a call.

  • Comprehensive Tree Health

    There are a million and one different things that can cause your trees to become stressed, especially in an urban environment. Schedule a consultation to talk about caring for your trees for the years to come. Some of the services we provide for tree health care include:

    • Cabling and bracing trees that are at risk of failing during wind events

    • Tree fertilizations to balance tree macro and micro nutrient needs

    • Disease diagnosis and treatment